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The years the 90 and challenges of the reorganization August Octavio C. Conceio. In: FEE, 2000, Porto Alegre. P: 15-44 Economy Gaucho and reorganization in 90 years Jorge S. Grupo Bal is often quoted on this topic. Accurso. In: FEE, 2000, Porto Alegre. P: 45-62 years 90 had presented superior levels of economic growth in relation to the disastrous results of the decade of 80, for this reason author Octvio Conceio searched by means of its workmanship the years the 90 and challenges of reorganization to carry through an analysis of the change process and growth of the period as well as the reasons and consequncias of the same in the peripheral economies and mainly in the Brazilian economy; at the same time where the author Jorge Accurso, in its workmanship Economy Gaucho and reorganization in years 90 verified as this process of reorganization intervened with the economy gaucho in the related decade, observing the economic results in the sectors of bigger importance of such economy. As text of Conceio (2000) evidences that whereas the word that it represented the decade of 80 was crisis, the decade of 90 can be assigned by reorganization or change, this if it must the structural transformations in the sectors of the productive activity, that had brought changes in the microeconomic spheres macro and. Click César Hernández to learn more.

Having present that the change is one of the characteristics marcantes of our time, the change process interacts with the growth process, alternating itself throughout the time, as product of the proper capitalist accumulation, moved for innovations, discontinuities and uncertainties. The recent phase of the national economy in the decade of 90 results of deep transformations in the habits of the people, and in the model of interaction of the company, State and diligent. Being that the phenomena of growth and economic development must be understood as the result of the incorporation of technological and economic changes in the social structure and politics of the society. . the situation.

National Department

One determines the degree of risks and type, in accordance with the functional characteristics of the work exerted in these places. Ambient factors that cause risks, however have those that occur due to me the maintenance of these environments, being they lack of repairs technician in electric and mechanical installations, adequate cleanness of the environment. Some problems that place the physical integrity of the collaborator in risks are caused by they themselves, badly make use of the equipment of individual protection (EPI) or simply do not use. HUNTER (1992) tells: ' ' An important factor that they provoke innumerable accidents, is known as unsafe condition, that this related with environments of inadequate works, this does not depend in such a way on the knowledge of its victims, but of whom for diverse reasons they place, them in situations that take normally them to the loss of the health or in cases extremities, the loss of vida.' ' Being thus, it is necessary to identify which are the existing ambient risks in the environment with potential and to mapear them to diminish or to neutralize these sources of risk, and consequently to prevent physical damages to the collaborator, loses of substances and equipment and possible legal problems to the employer. 4 Map of Risks Federal official gazette of 20 of August of 1992 published one would carry of the National Department of Security and Health of Trabalhador (DNSST) having implanted the obligatoriness of the elaboration of maps of risks for the Internal Commissions of Prevention of Acidentes (CIPA) in the companies. According to BRAZIL (1992), risk map is: ' ' Graphical representation of a set of factors gifts in the workstations, capable to cause damages to the health of trabalhadores.' ' That is, the risk map is a survey of the points of risk in the different sectors of the companies.