Tag Archives: home page

Really Simple Syndication

Does that mean RSS? The RSS acronym corresponds to the Really Simple Syndication (very simple syndication) English and is used to describe the technology used to create fonts. What is a syndication feed? Sources, which is also known as RSS feeds, XML sources, syndicated content, or web feeds, include published content on a web site that is updated frequently. They are often used on web sites of news, portals and blogs, but they are also used for distributing other types of digital content, such as images, audio or video. Fonts can also be used to provide audio content (usually in MP3 format) which can be heard on your computer or MP3 player. It is what is known with the name of podcasting. The first time you visit a web site, Internet Explorer will search if there are sources. If there are sources available, the fonts button will change color and a sound will be played. Sources click the button, and then click the font that you want to view.

To get the content automatically, you must subscribe to a source. What is the difference a source of a website? A source may have the same content as a web page but usually has a different format. When you subscribe, Internet Explorer automatically examines web site and download new content so that you can see the developments since the last time he visited the source, which provides a great convenience to not be necessary to visit web sites one at a time, to see if there have been developments in them.